Onderzoek: Eigenaar-hond relaties

Voorlopige resultaten onderzoek naar eigenaar-hond relaties (MSc thesis manuscripten beschikbaar als downloads).


 TitleCategorySize Created DateDescriptionClicks
MSc Thesis Nienke 1.32 MBDownload3/23/2016Coping strategies, paw preferences and cognition in dogs24225
MSc Thesis Petra 1.15 MBDownload3/23/2016Human-Canine interaction
Active support versus passive support: The influence of type of support given by the owner on the behaviour of the domestic dog (canis familiaris) in an approach test
Thesis Evelien 684.40 KBDownload3/23/2016Associations between owner-reported fear and aggression in dogs and experimentally determined flexibility, socio-emotional information processing and cognitive abilities7669

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